Are Smart Scientists Less Likely to Cheat

An excerpt from the Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science Blog:In this discussion of Allegra Goodman’s book novel Intuition, Barry wrote, “brilliant people are at least as capable of being dishonest as ordinary people.” The novel...

Mean vs. Median (sex partners)

An excerpt from Sunday’s New York Times, science writer Gina Kolata took on studies suggesting that men tend to have more sexual partners than women do. This CDC study, for one, shows that American men between the ages of 20 and 59 report...

Gut Feelings

There has been much said in the past few years about how emotions and reasoning are quite inseparable. Antonio Damasio and colleagues did a unique study published in 1994 using the Iowa Gambling Task. Here is Wikipedia’s explanation of the task:The Iowa gambling...

Bruce Lee Anecedote

An earlier entry had some interesting quotes from Bruce Lee. There is another story from one of Bruce Lee’s students. Bruce Lee and his student were out running and they were trying to go a little faster and further than usual. The student protested, citing that...

Facial Microexpressions

An excerpt from Split-second facial expressions made by others—and the feelings they betray—might go unnoticed by your conscious mind, but apparently they do register subliminally. Reading these subtle clues in faces can guide the brain, resulting in...