Babies Judging Character

The Nov. 22 issue of the journal Nature has an article that discusses how babies can recognize helping behaviors. Here is an excerpt about this article from To test if babies could tell a helper from a hinderer, Hamlin had groups of 6-month-olds and...

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud’s ideas are seen almost everywhere in popular culture. However, a recent article in The American Journal of Psychiatry suggests that most university psychology departments view his theories as obsolete. Their survey of 150 top colleges and...


The detection of malingering (faking bad symptoms for the benefit of personal gain) has always been difficult. A recent article in The Clinical Neuropsychologist investigated faking mental retardation. Here is a description of the article:… researchers have...

Commitment Devices

Here is an excerpt from the authors of Freakonomics in the column in the NY Times:Deborah Kattler Kupetz is a Los Angeles businesswoman and mother of three who tries to watch her weight. That’s why she recently bought two lifelike plastic models of human body fat from...

Deal or No Deal vs. Jeopardy

An excerpt from a NY Times Column:So the cause is, essentially, that people eat too much; and the cure is, essentially, to eat less. But bariatric surgery seems to fit in nicely with the tenor of our times. Consider, for instance, the game shows we watch. The old...