Conspicuous Consumption

Here is an excerpt from the Mind Hacks blog discussing a recent article about differences in showing off wealth:The Atlantic magazine has an interesting article on how conspicuous consumption – the practice of showing off luxury goods – differs across...

Worry Helps Me Cope

Here is an excerpt from the Don’t Delay Blog:Three British psychologists …collected data from 179 students, measuring their procrastination (behavioral and decisional), worry, anxiety, depression and metacognition. … “Metacognition refers to...

Internet Surveys

Here is an excerpt from the ‘As you like it’ Blog. It describes a poor survey done on AOL. If Comedy Central were doing a skit on survey design, this would be it. If a slot machine were as rigged as this survey, the gaming commission would shut down the...

Experimenter’s Expectancies and Placebo

Here is an excerpt discussing how a physician’s expectancy can change how much the patient experiences the placebo effect:… it is possible to show that doctors are as important in producing the meaning response as patients. Gracely et al (1985) looked at...